General Class Times

When we train

On Sunday's, when the temperature is forecast 32 degrees or over AT NOARLUNGA there will be no training, unless an obvious change has come through.
Wednesday and Thursday evenings are usually cool enough to train by 7pm.
If there is any doubt, please watch
our Facebook Group and Page to see if training will canceled.
Noarlunga Weather Forecast - BOM:





9 am


This lesson is for new dogs to the club, no matter what their age. The Instructor in this class informs new handlers the rules of our club and demonstrates initial positions ie sit. The Instructor then hands the new dogs to the correct class, which would be puppies or beginners

9 am – 9.45 am


Puppy class is available for all puppies two weeks after their final vaccination. Puppies stay in this class until 6 months or above when the Puppy Instructor feels the puppy and handler are ready to go up to Grade 1. Socialization is extremely important in this class


9 am – 10.00 am


This class is for new dogs that are 8 months or over and are therefore too old to be in a puppy class but definitely need initial beginner instruction and then graduate to grade 2, again socialization is extremely important in this class

.Intakes for this class is every 3 weeks.

9 am – 10 am

Grade 5

This class is for handlers and dogs that would like to go on with their training and start to work towards attending trials for obedience and/or agility. Polish, polish, polish is the name of the game in this class. The handlers are also taught ring craft and there is a trial ring available for more experienced handlers and their dogs.

9.30 am – 10.30 am

Grade 5 Social

In this class the dog and handler can enjoy exercising for an hour each Sunday It’s a fun class which incorporates polishing up obedience and enjoying small jumps and safe fun equipment to keep the dogs thinking.. We hope to organise a demonstration team. in the future, they may like to join it and go out to fetes, shopping centres, hospitals, nursing homes etc. Puppies up to Grade 5 Social & agility dogs may all attend these demonstrations.

10 am – 11 am

Grade 1

This class is for handlers and dogs that are ready to move out of puppies and in some cases from Beginners. They are taught the very important exercise of walking on a loose lead also verbal commands for sit and stand. Short stays and recall on lead are also introduced along with sit for examination.




10 am – 11 am

Grade 2

This class is for dogs that have graduated from Grade 1 and are ready to be introduced to slightly more difficult exercises. These include automatic sit, which is the dog will be taught to sit automatically as the handlers come to a stop. Drop or down position is also taught along with introduction to stand for exam. Heelwork and recalls are always polished up in every higher grade. The ‘Figure of Eight’ exercise is introduced in this class also refining all work so far learned. As always, having fun is very important in all grades.

11 am – 12 noon

Grade 3

When dogs are graduated to this grade, they are now ready to learn “off lead” stays and off lead recalls The finish on the recall is introduced in this class. This is a more difficult class to graduate from because of the fact that the lead is removed and handlers may get slightly nervous which of course, dogs pick up on. The grade 3 Instructors are aware of this and therefore this class is taken slowly and carefully to enable both dog and handler to gain confidence and work without lead in these exercises.

11 am to 12 noon

Grade 4

To graduate from this class and therefore obtain your “Trained Dog Certificate”, the handler is taught “off lead” heelwork, which of course includes figure of 8 work & finishes. Drop from a stand position is introduced with the handler returning to the dog still in a down position. And also polishing off all work so far learned. Obviously a very difficult class to graduate from but a very rewarding experience when dog and handler graduate and are handed their “Trained Dog Certificate” for a well behaved, social dog of good standing.

11.00am – 12.00 noon

Tricks Class

In this class handlers will learn the art of Tricks Training.

The objective in Trick Dog training and competition is for the dog and handler to perform a selection of tricks, presented with obvious cooperation between a dog that is willing and working well and a supportive handler. Tricks allow us to improve communication and thereby increase our bond with our dogs.





9.00 am – 10.45am


Rally training for the beginners is all on lead and a great way for the handlers and dogs to enjoy this relatively new principle in dog obedience.

8 – 12 Noon


9-10.45 am Trialists

Beginners and Advanced Beginners

10.45 – 12.00

Available for fit and healthy dogs over 12 months old or 15 months for larger breeds with Trained Dog Certificate. This class teaches all aspects of Agility, ie over jumps, through tunnels, weaving poles, dog walk etc. It is advised that owners be fit too!

9.00 am – 10.00 am

Grade 6 – Open Class

This class/ring is a structured class for handlers and dogs that are either learning the Open exercises or are being polished up for the trial ring. .

9 am – 12 Noon

Grade 7 – Utility Class

This is similar to the Open Class where we have beginners being taught the Utility exercises and a ring set up for more experienced handlers to practice for trials.

We also offer advice & beginner instruction on an ad hoc basis in UDX training. Plus information on Tracking & Retrieving instruction.






6.30pm – 8.30pm


Beginners and Advanced





All disciplines are trained

7 pm – 9 pm
On the first and third Thursday of the month

Novice Ring

Open Ring

Utility Ring

Rally Class

Show Class (all groups)

Scent Work

The CCD, Novice, Open, and Utility rings are for extra practice in the higher grades

Rally Class is on the first and third Thursday of the month

The Show Class is for dogs to train for Show work.

The Scent Class is for dogs to train for Scent work.





Weather Permitting

7pm – 8 pm

Introductory Class



Grades 1,2,3,4 & 5

On Wednesday nights for 1 hour, we have introductory class and classes of Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This also enables the dogs to experience training under lights and is a chance for extra tuition and graduation especially if you cannot attend on Sundays.

Puppies and beginners also have classes. Again good for socialization and for puppies to experience night training.